How about we start talking about the more interesting things in this article. Last month Nasa and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) landed the heaviest, but most intelligent and technologically developed payload, ever to touch the Martian surface. I am of course referring to the 2020 Perseverance rover. It carries seven primary payload instruments, 19 cameras, and two microphones. The rover is also carrying the mini-helicopter Ingenuity, an experimental aircraft that will attempt the first ever powered flight on another planet.
SpaceX did it again: SpaceX's latest Starship prototype went out in a blaze of glory.
The Starship SN10 spacecraft touched down successfully after a high-altitude test flight in March 3, a major milestone for the company and its crewed Mars ambitions. But the vehicle didn't manage to hold itself together, exploding about eight minutes after landing.
The big stainless-steel SN10 launched from SpaceX's South Texas site, rose 10 kilometers into the sky and came back safely to Earth for a smooth touchdown after 6 minutes and 20 seconds from liftoff.
Space (What is space according to many scientific sources: Space is the boundless three-dimensional extent in which objects and events have relative position and direction.) facts that probably you didn’t know:
Space is completely silent (due to the vacuum-no air).
99% of our solar system's mass is the sun.
More energy from the sun hits Earth every hour than the planet uses in a year.
One day on Venus is longer than one year on Earth and 10 days longer than 1 year on Venus.
The universe is constantly expanding.
A competed NASA space suit costs $12,000,000.
There are more stars in the universe than grains of sand on earth.
Thank you for reading this article. It means a lot for us. Comment down below your thoughts and ideas and tell me your favorite STEM activities that we can discuss in later articles.
Geitonas student newsletter
Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!  
For the ones who do not know me, my name is Zoe, and I come here every week and share some interesting information about my topic “music & arts”.
Last time we met, I provided, you guys, with some info about how music & arts can be therapeutic and be something really significant in our lives and then I proceeded to talk to you about a really joyful music genre, Jazz! So, if you haven’t checked it out yet, please go ahead and do not hesitate to leave a comment with your impressions.
As I said last time, in each blog I will be talking about different genres of music and kinds of art, and since we talked about music, Today’s art day! As always, I will give a reason why we need music and arts in our lives and also provide you with a couple of activities to do. Since some of us are still in quarantine, I thought that a humorous phrase will be just right to help you get going or even just bright up your day. Let’s start, shall we?
Firstly, arts and music can be very helpful when it comes to school. Besides the fact that arts can improve our motivation or attitude, it can also improve our performance in school. It is said that the people who are involved with art classes, are much more effective than the students who are not involved. From a research that has been done, to see what are the benefits of music & arts to students, it has been observed that a student involved with artistic classes is more likely to take an award for their attendance in school. Also, they (music & arts) can help enhance our critical thinking. Activities like drawing or sculpting can develop visual-spatial skills, basically this ability is about being able to understand spatial relations between objects
Today, I thought it was a good idea to talk about visual arts, and especially sculpture!
Sculpture, is an artistic form in which hard or plastic materials are worked into three-dimensional art objects. Some ingredients used in this kind of art, are clay, wax, stone, fabric, glass, wood, rubber, or just random “found” objects. Roman sculpture, blended the idealised perfection of earlier Classical Greek sculpture with a greater aspiration for realism. Some really famous roman sculptures, are Augustus of prima porta, The Orator, Trajan’s Column and other interesting ones.
Since we are talking about forms of art, I will suggest to you an activity that can be either VERY challenging or very easy for some people. Try making origami! They are a way to pass your time productively, try something new and challenge yourselves… prepare to be frustrated.
Now for the humorous phrase I promised, “Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s more like a cha-cha.” Robert Brault
And that consists today's blog, in music & arts. hope you have all enjoyed reading and learned something new about about arts! If you would like to knw more, please stay tuned!