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Hey everyone! Welcome to my blog.


Today I’m going to give you a brief outline of the information to expect on my blog page and why I have chosen this subject.



To begin, you may ask, why have I chosen this topic? Well… For as long as I can remember, I have been an active advocate for taking care of your mental health & well being. Unfortunately, an immense amount of people around the world struggle with their mental health. See picture on the right for statistics.  As a teenager myself, having heard the statistics of the reality of mental health in teenagers was shocking and extremely painful to comprehend. The purpose of my blog is to give you tips and tricks and activities and steps you can take to improve your mental health and well being in each weekly blog. Especially with the current situation the entire world is facing, taking care of your mental and physical well being is extremely crucial for all. However, just a reminder, I am not a professional but the tips I will be recommending to you all are what have helped me cope with stress and difficult times. If I can help even just one person I will be grateful.





Like being physically healthy, being mentally healthy makes you feel good about yourself. It allows you to enjoy the pleasures of life, to grow and to try new things. We love our lives, our surroundings, and the people in them when we are mentally well. We have the ability to be innovative, develop new skills, and take chances. We are more capable of dealing with adversity in our personal and professional lives. We experience the grief and rage that can accompany the death of a loved one, a work loss, relationship issues, and other traumatic events, but we are able to overcome them over time. Maintaining healthy mental wellbeing is perhaps one of the most important ways to plan for life's stressful times, both socially and professionally. It is inevitable to not be impacted during tough times in our life, but we can always be better prepared to combat these days if we take care of our overall well being.

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Fun fact:

Taking care of our mental wellbeing will help us combat or avoid mental health issues that can arise as a result of a lifelong physical condition. It may be able to delay the onset or regression of a physical or psychiatric disorder in some circumstances. For example, effective stress control will reduce the risk of heart failure. However, well being is not just the absence of a disease or illness. It is a combination of the following factors: a person’s physical, mental, emotional and social health. 

The experience of greater degrees of happiness and well-being has now been strongly linked to many physical health benefits, highlighting the connection between the body and the mind (i.e. healthy mind = healthy body).


Individuals with high happiness and wellbeing have been found to have:


  • Lower incidences of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and sleeping difficulties.

  • Lower levels of cortisol (i.e. stress hormone),, less self-reported physical symptoms and pain, a decreased risk of automobile fatality, and a decreased likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviours (e.g., smoking)

  • Increased likelihood of engaging in health promoting activities (e.g. exercising), longer survival times following an illness, and quickened physical recovery and return to normal activities following surgery

  • Speaking more broadly, a relationship has been observed between wellbeing and a decreased risk of all causes of death (i.e. increased overall longevity)


Many social and psychological benefits of happiness and wellbeing have also been observed. Those individuals with higher degrees of happiness have been found to also have:


  • Increased self-esteem, optimism, a sense of personal competence, prosocial and altruistic behaviour, interpersonal skills, and higher satisfaction with the quality of one’s relationships

  • Heightened ability to cope and remain positive during difficult times, and an increased likelihood of receiving emotional and tangible assistance

  • Happy people are less inclined to feel jealous, less likely to experience conflict and more likely to be superior at resolving conflict

  • They are more accepting and less critical of themselves and others, and are judged as more physically attractive, intelligent, competent, friendly, and warm than their less happy counterparts

  • Happiness has also been found to lead to an increased number of reliable and supportive friends

  • Those high on well-being have also been found to contribute to their communities by volunteering their time


Chances are, you are already taking steps to sustain your mental health, as well as your physical health – you just might not realize it. So this is why I am here. To guide you, give you my personal tips and tricks ranging from sports, yoga, meditation, breathing practices and much more. If you’re interested, follow along to better yourself physically and mentally and lead a much more positive life.


See you all next week!

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