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Welcome to the first article of photography and cinema: 

This article will focus on photography


What is photography?

Photography is the art of capturing light with a camera to create an image. Photography helps you capture anything you feel is important to remember. The essential purpose of photography is communication. In other words, is a away for a photography to express themselves when their unable to use words, like any other kind of art.





What you will need? 

You do not need to stress for finding the best camera to buy. Many people including myself believe that their iPhone is good enough to do their work. Phones are better for most, as they are quicker and a lot easier to use. Also, it is easier to learn how to use and has less things you need to know on how to use it. Another really essential equipment you should own is a tripod. A tripod helps hold your phone/camera still and a lot of the great images you see of the sky or landscapes are taken with a tripod. Moreover, the most important part you should know in photography is light. Light is the most fundamental element that all photographers need, as it illuminates your scene or subjects. It is very crucial to know how to use light to your advantage (don’t worry we’ll go more in depth in to the next blog).  





How do you start photography? 


Personally, I believe there are three basics things you need to have to start, all the other things come as you develop your skills and gain more experience. First you have to find your inspiration. Familiarize yourself with all the types of photography, landscapes, portraits and so forth and see with which one you appeal the most. The second thing you need is a camera. Keep in mind that your phone works just fine and that you don’t need to buy an expensive camera. The last thing is to know how to “read” light. As I mentioned earlier light is one of the most important things when it comes to photography; whether it is natural or artificial light a photographer needs to know how to “use” it.  





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