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Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!   

I’m Zoe, and in today’s blog I’m going to provide you all, with general information about my topic “music & arts”. 

Music is a really important “element” in our lives. I would say that it is mandatory that we listen to music, because first of all it is one really helpful way to restore peace in our body and mind. Many people would say, that yes music is important but where exactly does it help, to what does it benefit? 


Well, first of all, it plays a major role in learning effectively, helps in the development of our minds. Just like James Dickinson says, music makes us a better learner, “The skills associated with learning an instrument, the discipline of practising, are transferrable to any other subject”. Even when struggling to learn something, music can actually help to see your progress! Moving on, it can help to boost your confidence, believe in yourself and abilities. 


Besides the fact that it brings people with the same tastes of music together it also brings together people who are vulnerable, introverted and lack confidence, and helps them socialise. Last but not least, music can create a safe and creative space for each and every one of us, to start understanding ourselves and discovering our identity, and a whole new world that’s opened up. 


Especially for teens and kids, music can have a major impact in their lives. Every day, they have numerous obligations, that most of the times are not easy. We can say that music is that source of happiness that never ends and never fails to help them through this whole journey. 

There are a lot of times in a day that we are not really concentrated and generally not ready to come back to reality. Music & Arts, is a way to accomplish that and maintain our concentration. Activities like dancing or singing or painting, are considered “basic and boring”, but I’m here to prove you wrong and let you know that such activities can be therapeutic. Colouring books are not only for kids, but for everyone. Also, you can try making a self-portrait, by just sitting in front of a mirror and make an attempt and draw yourselves! Or maybe recreating a photo you saw on Pinterest, and if you fail try again.   


So that consists of today’s blog, I hoped you found it entertaining enough! If you are looking forward for a new one, please stay tuned! 

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